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Ezio Fiorillo was born in Casalpusterlengo, Italy, on 4 March 1944, although the birth was registered in the city of Milan, where he lived and worked until 2002.
He studied there at the Brera Academy of Art. He lectured on Stage Design at the Academy of Art in Urbino from 1970 and at the Brera from 1978 onwards.
The text on this website, Shakespeare's Globe, was compiled for lectures to students on the Stage Design course at the Brera Academy in March 2000. He ceased teaching in November 2002.
He has taken an interest in metatheatre and is currently working on paintings used as stage scenery.

Ezio Fiorillo,
Fraz. Pagliaro, 7
24010 Algua Bergamo
Phone. 034597457